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We were having trouble but now we have trained lots of people and now things are working. People can do what they need to do (others did not agree with this for their campus/office).Since we are paying attention to the numbers, we are not happy with it. Departmental level – being able to pull together that query that will run indirect dollars per investigator, shared credit, cost sharing etc. into one report. Data to produce a proposal – coordination of different data bases – we know the information is there but getting it together in one report. Duplication of effort and often at different times of the year. Flexibility of changing data elements – trying to do strategic planning for leveraging – additional fields are needed for querying against. There is another university that has a database that would allow going into an investigator field and linking University of Cincinnati– used for indirect cost but also for productivity. (it is in medical school). Way to determine if there were significant inequities in gender as to place allocations and equipment etc. If we had this coordinated, this study would be very easy. Publication rates, all forms of scholarly activities, graduate students, and participation rates (like student org etc.) and tied with the space with this. Cost sharing and how has been achieved – cash, academic, waiving indirect cost. Income, patents, invention disclosures – if people could input this data, and then everyone could go out and get it themselves. Linking research activity to teaching assignments and student credit hours. Historical data across schools – this now consists of 3 binders. Cost sharing – where the dollars came from. Self-reporting – it use to be that faculty could do it themselves, now someone has to do it for them in PeopleSoft. Not everyone has access to PS – this is also linked to a machine – if you have had the training, then you can get to stuff but only on one machine – not at home – in another office… Access to PS data. Redundancy - people work on budget first – have to do it in something else because in PS, that step is near the end of PS. Faculty need access but then they would need good training – because some went to training, signed in and left – then they have access. A way to get data for faculty productivity. Need to collect data on the full spectrum of faculty data – scholarly output. Ability to not only gather data but to sort it in various ways. Number of grad students, amount of dollars, students, grants etc by faculty – it isn’t in a central place. Need to be able to pull together everything for an award summary on one or two pages in one report. By dept or by individual investigator. Funding rate – track not only awards but also successes. As this system begins to work- have we thought of how checks and balances – security might work. Grant data form – things need to be spelled out a little bit better – ex dept id – the departments and chairpersons don’t know these – in the old system, it would tell you what it is – doesn’t print it out. The comment section is often crucial to the proposal and this doesn’t print out either.  UИНќ5\$TUZpŠИ§њњёшттт$If $$Ifa$$„Ћ^„Ћa$@&ЛМ§§ИЙЬ#@iQ4K444 & F ЦаЌ„Ќ„Uџ$If^„Ќ`„Uџ$If­$$If–l4жж\”џЕМ…&Œ4! Щ жж(џйййџйййџйййџйййж0џџџџџџіј46жџџџџжџџџџжџџџџжџџџџ4ж laіi!iФ •жb8 п { Ы K — и  x . A М DEFrРшшшошшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшиошшш$If „П$If^„П & F ЦаЌ„Ќ„Uџ$If^„Ќ`„Uџkї0‘`ИЙКшшшшшшоM‘$$If–lжж\”џЕМ…&Œ4! Щж0џџџџџџіј46жџџџџжџџџџжџџџџжџџџџ4ж laі „$If^„ & F ЦаЌ„Ќ„Uџ$If^„Ќ`„UџКЛМНњјњ$a$'&P1h0Ар= Аа/!А8"Аа#h$h%А i8@ёџ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font.>@ђ. Title$a$ 5CJ\.P. 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