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Premiums for 9-month faculty paid over 9 months

Faculty who are on a 9-month contract can elect to have their pay distributed either over 9 months or 12 months. Benefit premiums are calculated differently for those who receive their pay over 9 months, referred to as "faculty 9-over-9" or "FNN" for short.

Premium Calculation

The standard FNN premium assumes the contract begins September 1 and is calculated by multiplying the monthly employee premium cost for the plan by 12, then dividing the product by 9.

FNN Premium = (Monthly Premium Cost x 12) ÷ 9

When monthly employee premium costs change for a new plan year (January 1), the FNN premium cost for the plan will change depending on the plan and coverage options the employee selected during Annual Enrollment.

For those whose contract begins on a date other than September 1, the premium calculation will adjust based on months remaining in the contract and the corresponding plan premiums for that same time frame (e.g., if the contract begins on March 1, refer to the January–May rate).


Premiums will not automatically update to collect or refund the difference needed when changes are made to plan and/or coverage level. An adjustment must be manually entered to collect or refund any balances due to changes.

When an adjustment appears on the FNN's paycheck depends on the event that prompts the plan or coverage level change:

  • Annual Enrollment: January
  • Life Event: Future payroll(s) after enrollments have been processed
  • Pay frequency changes: Future payroll(s) after the pay frequency has been changed in the system (e.g., transitioning from pay of 9 months to 12 months, or vice versa)
  • Contract beginning date other than Sept. 1*: Future payroll(s) after enrollments have been processed
  • Termination or retirement: Final paycheck after job status has been updated in system

*If your benefit eligibility begins during the summer months (June, July and August), refer to "Faculty hired in summer months" below.

Adjustment Examples

Examples of the different types of adjustments are provided below. Overall numbers may differ slightly because of rounding. If the difference is less than or equal to $0.03, the adjustment is considered a rounding difference and not premiums due or refunded.

Annual Enrollment Adjustment

Scenario: Regular contract period (09/01/2022 – 08/31/2023), with new plan change: Dental Basic Family to Dental Buy-Up Family coverage

Check date Plan Actual FNN Deductions Regular Monthly Premium Cost Difference Notes
09/30/2022 Dental Basic $67.44 $50.58 -$16.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
10/31/2022 Dental Basic $67.44 $50.58 -$16.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
11/30/2022 Dental Basic $67.44 $50.58 -$16.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
12/23/2022 Dental Basic $67.44 $50.58 -$16.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
01/31/2023 Dental Buy Up $86.86 $96.44 $9.58 One time adjustment: Plan change to Dental Buy Up (family coverage) $154.30 (new FNN rate) - $67.44 (old plan prepaid premiums) = $86.86 net deduction for January
02/28/2023 Dental Buy Up $154.30 $96.44 -$57.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
03/31/2023 Dental Buy Up $154.30 $96.44 -$57.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
04/30/2023 Dental Buy Up $154.30 $96.44 -$57.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
05/31/2023 Dental Buy Up $154.30 $96.44 -$57.86 Regular FNN deduction, family
06/30/2023 Dental Buy Up $0.00 $96.44 $96.44 Summer, no deductions
07/31/2023 Dental Buy Up $0.00 $96.44 $96.44 Summer, no deductions
08/30/2023 Dental Buy Up $0.00 $96.44 $96.44 Summer, no deductions
Total $973.82 $973.84 $0.02 Considered rounding difference, no premium due

Mid-Year Change

Scenario: Regular contract period (09/01/2021 – 08/31/2022), with coverage change removing spouse from medical plan effective 03/01/2022 and re-adding spouse to medical effective 08/01/2022.

Check Date Plan Actual FNN Deductions Regular Monthly Premium Cost Difference Notes
09/30/2021 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $488.00 $366.00 -$122.00 Contract begin, regular FNN deduction
10/29/2021 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $488.00 $366.00 -$122.00 Regular FNN deduction, family
11/30/2021 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $488.00 $366.00 -$122.00 Regular FNN deduction, family
12/23/2021 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $488.00 $366.00 -$122.00 Regular FNN deduction, family
01/31/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $515.20 $383.00 -$132.20 Regular FNN deduction, family
02/28/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $515.20 $383.00 -$132.20 Regular FNN deduction, family
03/31/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $285.07 $212.00 -$73.07 Regular FNN deduction, Plan change to self + children
04/29/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $285.07 $212.00 -$73.07 Regular FNN deduction, self + children coverage
05/31/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $285.07 $212.00 -$73.07 Regular FNN deduction, self + children coverage
06/30/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $0.00 $212.00 $212.00 Summer, no deduction
07/31/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $0.00 $212.00 $212.00 Summer, no deduction
08/31/2022 Custom Network Plan, before-tax $0.00 $383.00 $383.00 Summer, no deduction; Plan change to Family
Total $3837.61 $3673.00 -$164.61 Refund due to plan change to self + children coverage on 9/30/22 payroll

Early Termination

Scenario: Regular contract period (09/01/2022 – 08/31/2023), with contract ending early on 03/01/2023.

Check Date Plan Actual FNN Deductions Regular Monthly Premium Cost Difference Notes
09/30/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $364.00 $273.00 -$91.00 Regular FNN deduction, family coverage
10/29/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $364.00 $273.00 -$91.00 Regular FNN deduction, family coverage
11/30/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $364.00 $273.00 -$91.00 Regular FNN deduction, family coverage
12/23/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $364.00 $273.00 -$91.00 Regular FNN deduction, family coverage
01/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, family coverage
02/28/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, family coverage
03/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax -$559.20 $0.00 $599.20 Terminated contract early effective 03/01/2023; Refunded prepaid premiums
Total $1660.00 $1660.00 $0.00  

Contract Begins on Date Other Than September 1

Scenario: Regular contract period (09/01/2022 – 08/31/2023), with hire date 07/01/2023 and no medical plan changes between 2022-2023 plan years.

Check Date Plan Actual FNN Deductions Regular Monthly Premium Cost Difference Notes
07/29/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $0.00 $273.00 $273.00 Summer, no deduction
08/31/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $0.00 $273.00 $273.00 Summer, no deduction
09/30/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $637.00 $273.00 -$364.00 Adjustment to collect July premiums ($273) plus regular FNN deduction ($364) for September
10/29/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $637.00 $273.00 -$364.00 Adjustment to collect August premiums ($273) plus regular FNN deduction ($364) for October
11/30/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $364.00 $273.00 -$91.00 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage
12/23/2022 Health Savings Plan, before tax $364.00 $273.00 -$91.00 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage
01/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage (no plan change)
02/28/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage
03/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage
04/29/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage
05/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $381.60 $284.00 -$97.60 Regular FNN deduction, self + spouse coverage
06/30/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $0.00 $284.00 $284.00 Summer, no deduction
07/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $0.00 $284.00 $284.00 Summer, no deduction
08/31/2023 Health Savings Plan, before tax $0.00 $284.00 $284.00 Summer, no deduction
Total $3910.00 $3910.00 $0.00  

Faculty Hired in Summer Months

Premiums will not be deducted from summer pay. When benefit eligibility begins during the summer months, premiums for June, July and August are processed at the (PDF). From September onward, premiums will be deducted through payroll at the FNN rate.

Premiums for summer months may be invoiced or collected from a later payroll (e.g September). The method is dependent on when benefit eligibility begins and when benefit elections are made.

Note: When completing the benefit enrollment through myHR, FNNs receiving summer pay who become benefit eligible during the summer months will see premiums listed as $0.00. This is because the system shows the current premium amount at the time of enrollment, and the system does not deduct a premium for June, July and August. For questions, please contact the HR Service Center.

Plan Premiums

The amount of FNN premiums deducted varies at different points during the calendar year as follows:

  • September-December rate: Represents the corresponding plan premium as of the start of the contract year, as calculated using the "premium calculation" formula described above.
  • January-May rate: The premium will be different than the FNN rate shown in September if there are changes to the premiums when the new plan year begins (January 1). This is required to “catch up” the new premium over the contract period (September 1 to August 31). If there are no changes to the premium for the new plan year, this rate will reflect the true FNN rate as shown in September.
  • June-August rate: Represents that there are no premiums taken during the summer months (June, July and August).

Premiums are not prorated. If initial coverage begins on any day other than the first day of the month, no premium will be charged for the first partial month of coverage. All benefits begin on the date of benefit eligibility, not the date of enrollment.

Medical: Healthy Savings Plan

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • Self only: $82.67
  • Self and spouse: $236.00
  • Self and child(ren): $208.00
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $404.00

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • Self only: $87.47
  • Self and spouse: $248.80
  • Self and child(ren): $220.80
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $426.40

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • Self only: $0
  • Self and spouse: $0
  • Self and child(ren): $0
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • Self only: $86.67
  • Self and spouse: $246.67
  • Self and child(ren): $218.67
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $422.67

Medical: Custom Network Plan (Columbia and St. Louis)

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • Self only: $122.67
  • Self and spouse: $345.33
  • Self and child(ren): $322.67
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $582.67

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • Self only: $129.07
  • Self and spouse: $364.53
  • Self and child(ren): $340.27
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $614.67

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • Self only: $0
  • Self and spouse: $0
  • Self and child(ren): $0
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • Self only: $128.00
  • Self and spouse: $361.33
  • Self and child(ren): $337.33
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $609.33

Medical: PPO Plan (including Tiered PPO)

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • Self only: $249.33
  • Self and spouse: $609.33
  • Self and child(ren): $580.00
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $980.00

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • Self only: $263.73
  • Self and spouse: $644.53
  • Self and child(ren): $612.00
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $1,034.40

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • Self only: $0
  • Self and spouse: $0
  • Self and child(ren): $0
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • Self only: $261.33
  • Self and spouse: $638.67
  • Self and child(ren): $606.67
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $1,025.33

Dental: Base Plan

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • Self only: $20.71
  • Self and spouse: $41.40
  • Self and child(ren): $50.24
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $70.95

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • Self only: $21.23
  • Self and spouse: $42.47
  • Self and child(ren): $51.54
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $72.77

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • Self only: $0
  • Self and spouse: $0
  • Self and child(ren): $0
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • Self only: $21.15
  • Self and spouse: $42.29
  • Self and child(ren): $51.32
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $72.47

Dental Plan: Buy-Up Plan

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • Self only: $34.91
  • Self and spouse: $69.73
  • Self and child(ren): $110.47
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $148.05

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • Self only: $39.15
  • Self and spouse: $78.23
  • Self and child(ren): $122.99
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $165.05

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • Self only: $0
  • Self and spouse: $0
  • Self and child(ren): $0
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • Self only: $38.44
  • Self and spouse: $76.81
  • Self and child(ren): $120.91
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $162.21

Vision Plan

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • Self only: $6.75
  • Self and spouse: $13.44
  • Self and child(ren): $14.67
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $23.21

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • Self only: $6.75
  • Self and spouse: $13.44
  • Self and child(ren): $14.67
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $23.21

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • Self only: $0
  • Self and spouse: $0
  • Self and child(ren): $0
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • Self only: $6.75
  • Self and spouse: $13.44
  • Self and child(ren): $14.67
  • Self, spouse and child(ren): $23.21

Life: Basic Life Plan A

  • Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2025: $0

Life: Basic Life Plan B

  • Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024: $0.0294
  • Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025: $0.0294
  • Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025: $0
  • Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025: $0.0294

Life: Additional Life

Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024:

  • < 25: $0.057 
  • 25 – 29: $0.068 
  • 30 – 34: $0.091 
  • 35 – 39: $0.103 
  • 40 – 44: $0.113 
  • 45 – 49: $0.171 
  • 50 – 54: $0.261 
  • 55 – 59: $0.488 
  • 60 – 64: $0.748 
  • 65 – 69: $1.440 
  • 70 – 74: $2.335 - $3.128 
  • 75 – 79: $3.445 - $4.931 
  • 80 – 84: $5.372 - $7.787 
  • 85 – 89: $8.535- $11.821 
  • 90 – 94+: $12.739 - $18.156

Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025:

  • < 25: $0.057 
  • 25 – 29: $0.068 
  • 30 – 34: $0.091 
  • 35 – 39: $0.103 
  • 40 – 44: $0.113 
  • 45 – 49: $0.171 
  • 50 – 54: $0.261 
  • 55 – 59: $0.488 
  • 60 – 64: $0.748 
  • 65 – 69: $1.440 
  • 70 – 74: $2.335 - $3.128 
  • 75 – 79: $3.445 - $4.931 
  • 80 – 84: $5.372 - $7.787 
  • 85 – 89: $8.535- $11.821 
  • 90 – 94+: $12.739 - $18.156

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • All ages: $0

Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • < 25: $0.057
  • 25 – 29: $0.068
  • 30 – 34: $0.091
  • 35 – 39: $0.103
  • 40 – 44: $0.113
  • 45 – 49: $0.171
  • 50 – 54: $0.261
  • 55 – 59: $0.488
  • 60 – 64: $0.748
  • 65 – 69: $1.440
  • 70 – 74: $2.335 - $3.128
  • 75 – 79: $3.445 - $4.931
  • 80 – 84: $5.372 - $7.787
  • 85 – 89: $8.535 - $11.821
  • 90 – 94+: $12.739 - $18.156

Life: Spouse Life

Effective 09/01/2024 through 05/31/2025 and 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • < 30: $0.0853
  • 30 – 34: $0.0973
  • 35 – 39: $0.1333
  • 40 – 44: $0.2067
  • 45 – 49: $0.3040
  • 50 – 54: $0.4613
  • 55 – 59: $0.7160
  • 60 – 64: $1.116
  • 65 – 69: $1.760
  • 70 – 74: $2.8147
  • 75 – 79: $4.5987
  • 80 – 84: $7.1467
  • 85 – 89: $11.1987
  • 90+: $17.3027

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • All ages: $0

Life: Child Life

Effective 09/01/2024 through 05/31/2025 and 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025:

  • $5,000: $0.43
  • $10,000: $0.85
  • $15,000: $1.28
  • $20,000: $1.71
  • $25,000: $2.13

Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025:

  • All coverage levels: $0

Long Term Disability: Core Plan (Option A)

  • Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2025: $0

Long Term Disability: Buy-Up Plan (Option B)

  • Effective 09/01/2024 through 12/31/2024: $0.1773
  • Effective 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025: $0.1773
  • Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025: $0
  • Effective 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025: $0.1773

Accidental Death and Disability: Self

  • Effective 09/01/2024 through 05/31/2025 and 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025: $0.0187
  • Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025: $0

Accidental Death and Disability: Family

  • Effective 09/01/2024 through 05/31/2025 and 09/01/2025 through 12/31/2025: $0.0267
  • Effective 06/01/2025 through 08/31/2025: $0

Changing Pay Frequency

Contact your local HR Partner (, , , ) to discuss your options regarding a change from one pay frequency to another (ex: 9-month paid to 12-month paid).

Reviewed 2024-09-23

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