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Chapter 12: Definitions

The following terms and their definitions include basic project management terms at the University of 亚洲影院:

  • Addendum: A written or graphic instrument issued by the Consultant prior to bid which modifies or interprets the Bidding Documents, including drawings or specifications, by additions, deletions, clarifications or corrections. An addendum becomes part of the Contract Documents when the Construction Contract is executed. Plural: Addenda.
  • Advertisement for Bids: The public notice soliciting bids for a construction project. University advertising rules covered in CRR 70.060
  • As-built Drawings (Record Drawings): Construction drawings revised by the Consultant to show changes made during construction, based on marked-up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor.
  • Base Bid: A written Bid in the Bid Form for the Basic Services of the Construction Contract. The Base Bid does not include amounts for alternates.
  • Bid (Bidding) Documents: The proposed Contract Documents given to Bidders to allow them to prepare a bid.
  • Bid Opening: A formal, public opening and tabulation of competitive bids for contract work with the University. It is usually conducted by a campus Construction Administrator and conforms to University of 亚洲影院 policies.
  • Bid (Bidding) Requirements: Contract Documents used to attract bidders and explain the procedures bidders are to follow in preparing and submitting their bids.
  • Bid Security: The deposit of cash, certified check, cashier鈥檚 check, bank draft, money order, or bid bond submitted with a bid and serving to guarantee to the University that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will execute such contract in accordance with the bidding requirements and the contract documents.
  • Bidder鈥檚 Statement of Qualifications: A form required of all bidders that requests information sufficient to determine that a contractor is qualified to execute the work described in the contract documents. It is submitted with the contractor鈥檚 bid.
  • Board of Curators: The governing board of the University of 亚洲影院 system. Board members are appointed by the Governor.
  • Breakdown of Costs (Schedule of Values): A contractor鈥檚 unit cost breakdown by task (labor and materials costs).
  • Campus Construction Administrator: The campus person who coordinates the administration of the construction contract. This person directs the work of the Owner鈥檚 Representative.
  • Campus Contracting Officer: Campus Officer designated to execute contracts, within delegated authority, on behalf of the Board of Curators.
  • Campus Facilities Administrator: The head of the facilities management office on each of the campuses
  • Change Order: A written agreement executed between the University and the contractor after execution of the original contract, which authorizes a change in the work, contract amount, or contract completion date.
  • Client: The person or persons who will occupy or use the completed facility or system.
  • Codes: Regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements of a governmental unit relating to building construction and occupancy, adopted and administered for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. 
  • Competitive Bid: A complete and properly signed proposal to do the work described in the contract documents at a specified cost, supported by data called for in the Information for Bidders.
  • Construction: The procurement of goods and services for use in the construction, or modifications to physical facilities. Construction shall include material purchases that are included in a project, if the bid includes material and labor. Special material purchases for custom plant equipment may also be classified as construction.
  • Construction Contract: A legally enforceable promise or agreement between the University and a contractor describing their respective obligations in completing construction work for the University.
  • Construction Coordination Meeting: A meeting scheduled and conducted at least once a month by the Owner鈥檚 Representative, and attended by the consultant, contractor and client, for the purpose of discussing project progress and keeping participants informed of activities surrounding the project.
  • Construction Project Manager (Also known as the Owner鈥檚 Representative): See Owner鈥檚 Representative.
  • Consultant (A/E): A person or organization licensed (where required) to perform architectural or engineering services, including analysis of project requirements, creation and development of project design, preparation of drawings, specifications and bidding requirements, and review of construction activity. In this manual, the prime consulting architect or engineer is referred to as the Consultant.
  • Consultant Agreement: The Standard Consultant Agreement contained in the University of 亚洲影院 Consultant Procedures and Design Guidelines.
  • Contingency: A line item of the Project Account, typically up to ten percent of the original contract amount, from which the cost of most Change Orders are deducted.
  • Contract Beginning Date: The date the Contractor receives the letter transmitting the awarded Construction Agreement and other Contract Forms.
  • Contract Documents: Are all the written and graphic documents prepared for communicating the design and administering the Construction Contract. The contract documents include: the Information for Bidders, Advertisement for Bids, Construction Agreement, Completed Bid for Lump Sum Contract, Performance/Payment Bond, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Prevailing Wage Order, Supplier Diversity forms, drawings, specifications, addenda, modifications and changes, together with any items stipulated as being specifically included.
  • Contract Price: The total amount payable by the University of 亚洲影院 to the Contractor for performance of the work under the Contract Documents.
  • Contractor: An individual or firm performing construction work for the University, including labor and materials, in accordance with plans and specifications, and under a contract specifying the cost and a schedule for completion of the work.
  • Contractor鈥檚 Superintendent: The Contractor鈥檚 representative responsible for continuous field supervision, coordination and completion of the work. The superintendent is identified at the Pre -construction Meeting.
  • Design/Build: Procurement of complete design and construction goods and services for a project under a single contract.
    • Design/Build Guidelines: Document to establish the general scope of the project and the level of quality intended. This document includes all criteria drawing, specifications or addenda and is attached thereto or referenced therein. The Design/Build Guidelines are used by all firms submitting proposals as the basis from which Design/Build proposals are to be made. The Guidelines also contain the contract selection criteria and requirements, and the technical and commercial conditions of the contract. The Guidelines become a part of the design-build contract.
    • Design Criteria: Owner鈥檚 minimum physical requirements for the completed project specified in the Design/Build Guidelines. The criteria includes building type, use, space program, square footage, MEP systems, etc.
    • Bridging Documents: Bridging Documents refer to Design Criteria drawings and specifications developed by the Owner, typically between Schematic Design to Design Development level. The Owner's Technical Consultant prepares the Bridging Documents. The degree of Bridging is determined by the campus and is dependent on the level of control on design required by the project and the campus
  • Drawings: Graphic and pictorial documents showing the design, location, and dimensions of the elements of a Project. Drawings generally include plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules, and diagrams.
  • Facilities Planning & Development: A department in the Division of Management Services in the University of 亚洲影院 System.
  • Field Order: A minor field change in the project with a total construction value less than $5,000.
  • Final Completion: The date certified by the Consultant when the work is complete, in accordance with the contract documents, and the final payment to the Contractor is authorized.
  • Final Construction Document Review Meeting: A meeting held prior to bidding in which drawings and specifications are reviewed and discussed by the Consultant and the University Staff.
  • Final Payment: The unpaid balance of the adjusted contract amount paid by the University to the Contractor, upon issuance of the Consultant鈥檚 certification that the project requirements have been met.
  • General Conditions: That part of the contract documents which sets forth many of the rights, responsibilities and relationships of the parties involved.
  • Information for Bidders: A document supplied to interested bidders that specifies procedures to be followed in bidding for work with the University of 亚洲影院.
  • Maintenance Work: The repair or routine servicing, but not the replacement, of existing facilities or systems when the size, type or extent of the existing facilities is not thereby changed or increased.
  • Miscellaneous Adjustments: An adjustment to project contingency for any financial transaction not originally budgeted or not covered by a Change Order.
  • Notice of Contract Award: An official notification sent by the University to the successful bidder awarding the construction contract. The notice is accompanied by the contract documents.
  • Notice to Proceed: A written communication issued by the University to the contractor authorizing commencement of the work.
  • Owner鈥檚 Representative: Also known as the Construction Project Manager. The University鈥檚 on-site field representative who coordinates the administration of the construction contract. Communication among the Contractor, Consultant and the University flows through the Owner鈥檚 Representative.
  • Owner鈥檚 Technical Consultant: Party or parties retained by the Owner to prepare the Design/Build Guidelines, review Design/Build Proposals, review Working Drawings and Specifications, and to act as an agent of the Owner during the design and construction of the Work. The Owner's Technical Consultant advises the university on system selections and also assists in the preparation of the specs referred to as the Design Criteria. The bidders then propose to convert the Bridging documents into final Construction Documents without any departures from the architectural design or engineering requirements, and after review by the Owner's Technical Consultant for compliance with its design and engineering requirements, build the project. During construction, typically, the Owner's Technical Consultant would act on behalf of the University in observing the work and assisting in administering the Design-Build form of contract with the University.
  • Partial Occupancy: Occupancy by the University of a portion of a project or system, prior to final acceptance.
  • Performance Bond and Payment Bond: Surety guarantees, purchased by the Contractor, to the University that the work will be performed in accordance with the contract documents and that subcontractors, suppliers, and workers will be paid.
  • Periodic Request for Partial Payment: A monthly request for payment submitted by the contractor to the Owner鈥檚 Representative.
  • Prebid Meeting: A meeting conducted by the Construction Administrator and Consultant prior to bidding large, complex projects. The meeting is attended by interested plan holders and a tour of the construction site and a question-and-answer period are held. The Consultant issues addenda, if necessary, to clarify or modify contract items identified at the meeting.
  • Pre-construction Meeting: A meeting conducted by the Construction Administrator and attended by the Consultant, Contractor and Owner鈥檚 Representative to review and discuss contract documents and project requirements.
  • Project Account: An account established by the University for the allocation and expenditure of funds for any financial activity on the project.
  • Project Files: A collection of project-related data, forms, communications, etc., arranged by project number and retained by the Campus Facilities Administrator according to the records retention schedule maintained by Records Management. A partial informational copy of the file may be retained in the Office of Facilities Planning and Development until a project is canceled or until the warranty period expires.
  • Project Manager: Person assigned by the campus to manage a project through the design, bidding and award phases. This person is responsible for the coordination of the consultant selection and design process. Serves as point of contact between the Consultant and the University.
  • Project Schedule: A Contractor鈥檚 schedule of planned work and payment by task.
  • Project Information Form (PIF): A form submitted by an authorized campus representative to the UM Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Development to provide information about a project. Used by the UM Executive Director to determine appropriate board action, start a file for tracking the project, and making any assignments necessary such as the UM point of contact for code reviews or Board actions..
  • Punch List: A list, prepared by the Consultant, of corrections, adjustments, modifications or additions required of the Contractor before final acceptance of a project.
  • Purchase Order Contract: A contract for equipment or supplies to the University. Refer to section _____.
  • Sole Source Contract: Contracts issued where the service required can only be obtained from one vendor. May require special approval; contact the UM Executive Director Facilities Planning & Development.
  • Special Conditions: A section of the conditions of the contract, other than the General Conditions, prepared for a particular project. Modifications to the General Conditions are contained in the Special Conditions.
  • Specifications: A part of the contract documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment construction systems, standards and workmanship.
  • Subcontractor: A person or organization who has a contract with the prime Contractor, or another subcontractor, to perform a portion of the work on the project or to supply equipment or material. A subcontractor may execute a contract with a sub-subcontractor.
  • Submittal: Documents, drawings, samples, or other items, required of the Contractor prior to commencement of work or purchase of selected materials.
  • Partial Occupancy: Occupancy by the University of a portion of a project or system, prior to final acceptance.
  • Performance Bond and Payment Bond: Surety guarantees, purchased by the Contractor, to the University that the work will be performed in accordance with the contract documents and that subcontractors, suppliers, and workers will be paid.
  • Periodic Request for Partial Payment: A monthly request for payment submitted by the Contractor to the Owner鈥檚 Representative.
  • Prebid Meeting: A meeting conducted by the Construction Administrator and Consultant prior to bidding large, complex projects. The meeting is attended by interested plan holders and a tour of the construction site and a question-and-answer period are held. The Consultant issues addenda, if necessary, to clarify or modify contract items identified at the meeting.
  • Pre-construction Meeting: A meeting conducted by the Construction Administrator and attended by the Consultant, contractor and Owner鈥檚 Representative to review and discuss contract documents and project requirements.
  • Project Account: An account established by the University for the allocation and expenditure of funds for any financial activity on the project.
  • Project Files: A collection of project-related data, forms, communications, etc., arranged by project number and retained by the Campus Facilities Administrator according to the records retention schedule maintained by Records Management. A partial informational copy of the file may be retained in the Office of Facilities Planning and Development until a project is canceled or until the warranty period expires.
  • Project Manager: Person assigned by the campus to manage a project through the design, bidding and award phases. This person is responsible for the coordination of the consultant selection and design process. Serves as point of contact between the Consultant and the University.
  • Project Schedule: A Contractor鈥檚 schedule of planned work and payment by task.
  • Project Information Form (PIF): A form submitted by an authorized campus representative to the UM Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Development to provide information about a project. Used by the UM Executive Director to determine appropriate board action, start a file for tracking the project, and making any assignments necessary such as the UM point of contact for code reviews or Board actions..
  • Punch List: A list, prepared by the Consultant, of corrections, adjustments, modifications or additions required of the Contractor before final acceptance of a project.
  • Purchase Order Contract: A contract for equipment or supplies to the University. Refer to section _____.
  • Sole Source Contract: Contracts issued where the service required can only be obtained from one vendor. May require special approval; contact the UM Executive Director Facilities Planning & Development.
  • Special Conditions: A section of the conditions of the contract, other than the General Conditions, prepared for a particular project. Modifications to the General Conditions are contained in the Special Conditions.
  • Specifications: A part of the contract documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment construction systems, standards and workmanship.
  • Subcontractor: A person or organization who has a contract with the prime contractor, or another subcontractor, to perform a portion of the work on the project or to supply equipment or material. A subcontractor may execute a contract with a sub- subcontractor.
  • Submittal: Documents, drawings, samples, or other items, required of the contractor prior to commencement of work or purchase of selected materials.

UM Contracting Officer: Person authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the Board of Curators. For projects with construction greater than $5,000,000 the Contracting Officer is the UM Associate Vice President Management Services or Designee. For projects with construction between $500,000 and $5,000,000 the Contracting Officer is the UM Executive Director Facilities Planning & Development or Designee. For other projects, the Contracting Officer is designated at the campus.

Reviewed 2024-06-28