If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
- - 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
- - 1-800-273-8255
Need to Report?
Click on a header to expand a selection and uncover additional information.
Mandated Reporting Policy
Any employee of the university, except those exempted by legal privilege of confidentiality or as expressly identified as a confidential reporter, who becomes aware of any form of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment which is a form of sex discrimination, must report all known information to the Title IX Coordinator or Equity Officer. Please see your University鈥檚 Title IX page for contact information. The policy is located under Collected Rules and Regulations, Section 600.010.E: Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy and Section 600.020.F: Sexual Harassment under Title IX.
Confidential Reporting
If you need confidential support, help or information regarding sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, you may contact an employee with a legal privilege of confidentiality or a confidential reporter on campus. Employees with a legal privilege of confidentiality include health care providers, counselors, lawyers, and their associated staff. Confidential reporters on the campuses are listed below:
RSVP (Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention) Center
G216 MU Student Center
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-6638
Student Health Center
1020 Hitt Street
Columbia, MO 65212
(573) 882-7481
MU Counseling Center
119 Parker Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-6601
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
McReynolds Hall - Suite 465
Columbia, 亚洲影院 65211
(573) 882-6701
MUHC (medical providers)
UMKC Counseling Services
Brookside 51, Suite 201
(816) 235-1635
UMKC Student Health and Wellness
Brookside 51, Suite 237
(816) 235-6133
RISE (Resources, Intervention, Support & Education)
108 Haag Hall
(816) 235-1652
Employment Assistance Program (EAP)
(816) 931-3073 or (800) 327-1223
亚洲影院 S&T
Counseling Services within Student Well-Being
204 Norwood Hall
(573) 341-4211
Student Health Services
910 W. 10th St.
(573) 341-4284
Employment Assistance Program (EAP)
(833) 515-0754 or TTY:(800) 697-0353
Counselors and health care providers located in:
Health Services and Counseling Services
131 Millennium Student Center
(314) 516-5711
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
(314) 516-5824
Available supportive measures, such as referral to appropriate services or making adjustments to campus activities or services, provided to students who have experienced discrimination, including sexual harassment, are listed in detail in the Sexual Harassment under Title IX Policy (600.020).
Title IX and Equity Resolution Process (ERP)
- Title IX Resolution Process for a Student, Faculty Member, or Staff Member as a Respondent
- Equity Resolution Process for a Student, Student Organization, or Faculty Member as Respondent
- Equity Resolution Process for a Staff Member or the University as Respondent
Rights of a Party in the Title IX Process under section 600.030
Rights of a Party in the Equity Resolution Process under section 600.040
Rights of a Party in the Equity Resolution Process under section 600.050
Reviewed 2024-08-09