Eligible students as defined by the scholarship criteria must apply online. Applicants who are eligible as spouses or children of class members can likewise apply, but they must provide additional documentation indicated below:
- If you are a spouse you must submit a copy of a marriage certificate and a notarized attestation of marriage
- If you are a natural child you must submit a copy of your valid birth certificate
- If you are an adopted child you must submit a copy of the adoption decree
- Send documenting information to the name and address below
- You may email documenting information to the name and address below
Award Amounts
For the academic year 2025-2026, scholarships will be a maximum of $1500, and $750 for the summer semester, and in no event shall the amount of the scholarship exceed the amount of educational fees or tuition charged by the University to said scholarship recipient.
Application deadline (all applications must be dated received by 11:59 pm Monday, April 15, 2025, for Summer 2025 Semester and Fall 2024 Semesters.)*
All supporting documentation must be postmarked by April 30, 2025.
Application deadline for Spring 2026 Semester ONLY (all applications must be dated received by 11:59 pm Saturday, August 15, 2025, for Spring 2026 Semester).*
All supporting documentation must be postmarked by August 31, 2025.
Please note:
* Additional deadline for applying online for the TSS has been provided. The August 15 deadline is for the Spring 2026 Semester only.
Notification of Award
Confirming emails will be sent once the application has been processed and confirmed.
Appeal Process
Award appeals must be filed by July 31, 2025 to the address below.
Contact Information
For questions, appeals and other information, please contact the representative for the campus that current student using the scholarship will be attending.
Columbia Susan Hartnagel Senior Assistant Director Student Financial Aid 11 Jesse Hall Columbia, MO 65211 hartnagels@umsystem.edu 573-882-7506 |
Kansas City Kristin Clemons Senior Assistant Director -Scholarships Student Financial Aid 101 Administrative Center Kansas City, MO 64110 clemonsk@umkc.edu 816-235-1377 |
亚洲影院 S&T Jessica Ford Scholarship Manager Student Financial Assistance G1 Parker Hall Rolla, MO 65409 jford@mst.edu 573-341-4199 |
St. Louis Kaje Sanford Assistant Director Student Financial Aid 327 Millennium Student Ctr St. Louis, MO 63121 sanfordke@umsl.edu 314-516-4902 |
Reviewed 2025-01-08